[mythtvnz] Help troubleshooting signal interference

Matt Poff matt.poff at headfirst.co.nz
Sat Feb 7 23:47:11 GMT 2009

On 7/02/2009, at 11:30 AM, Douglas Pearless wrote:

> Are you running near the limits of the power supply? (What size is it?
> If it only requires a 4 pin extra power plug for the motherboard,  
> then I
> have a spare you could borrow to troubleshoot).
> If you remove the extra sata drive, does this fix it?

Disconnecting the additional SATA drive seems to have helped. Haven't  
run the system under load but had it on for a few hours without issue.  
Turning the composite Video-In on the back of the TV still destroys  
the picture in some positions but it is easier to resolve than before  
(presumably less interference being absorbed by the cable).

Thanks for the offer of the PSU - might take you up on this but will  
do a bit more testing first.


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