[mythtvnz] Zotac Mag

Ross and Jemima Knudsen ross.jemima at gmail.com
Tue Dec 15 00:43:42 GMT 2009

2009/12/14 Nick Rout nick.rout at gmail.com

> 2. they have a fan, even the single core ones
> 3. they are not retailed in NZ, but I have seen them on trademe for
> approx $525-$575. You can of course netboot them and use the (sata
> 2.5") hard drive for something else. Unfortunately my laptop is ide :(
Is the ethernet hardware capable of doing netboot as I don't think all are?
They need to have a ROM chip or something to allow them to do that.  Anyone
have one or know whether they will netboot?
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