[mythtvnz] CF card as system drive

Tortise tortise at paradise.net.nz
Sun Dec 6 23:02:28 GMT 2009

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Barry Clearwater
To: MythTV in NZ
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2009 12:44 PM
Subject: Re: [mythtvnz] CF card as system drive

Due to the nature of  SSD drives Block delete and erase mechanisms, they tend to slow down with useage and unless they support the 
TRIM command, which not all drives currently do, you are probably going to experience some frustration. The cheaper drives like the 
Kingston 64Gb one don't.

The solution is to run TRIM about once every 2 weeks, which is supported in the EXT4 file system, so as to keep the drive running at 
best speed. I don't have a list of smaller 8 or 16Gb SSD drives that run it but according to APC december 09 Magazine, Patriot 
Torqx, G.skill Falcon and Corsair X128 all support TRIM whereas Intel X25-M and Kingston 128Gb V and 64Gb M don't. Intel plans to 
support it in the future but will require a firmware upgrade that appears to need a physical jumper set on the drive to perform :-)
Very cool technology nevertheless.

Barry Clearwater
Email: barryc at bcsystems.co.nz


Has anyone actually tried one fo the "cheap" kingston V series SSD drives such as the 64G one?  I wonder what frustration exactly 
one might worry about running into? 

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