[mythtvnz] Have I got a dodgy DVB-T card?

Jean-Francois Pirus jfp at clearfield.com
Sun Apr 12 00:16:20 BST 2009

> How do you force the card ID at boot? I got it working now (after reboot):

OK, first note that I'm not running Ubuntu. So it'll need to be modified to suit.

1st create the files /etc/udev/rules.d/5-mythtv.rules and 

This fixes the ir remotes path to "input/dvbs-ir" and "input/dvbt-ir"
and runs a script that "creates" 3 more card in a fixed order
/dev/dvb/adapter10  (which is DVB-S)
/dev/dvb/adapter20  (which is DVB-T)
/dev/dvb/adapter21  (which is DVB-T)

It also puts the original card number of the DVB-S in the file ~mythuser/CARD,
This can be used in script like for dvbtune etc.

Note that the original cards 0-2 will still be there, don't use them.

Jean-Francois Pirus     <jfp at clearfield.com>           Technical Manager
Phone (+64-9)  358 2081                          Clearfield Software Ltd
Fax   (+64-9)  358 2083                    1st Floor 8-10 Whitaker Place
Mob   (+64-21) 640 779                P O Box 3901 Auckland, New Zealand

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