[mythtvnz] MythTV mini-conference at Linux.conf.au 2009

Andrew Ruthven andrew at etc.gen.nz
Sun Oct 19 22:38:00 BST 2008

Hi all,

Just a reminder that the deadline for early submissions for the MythTV
mini-conf close at the end of this week on the 24th.

I have some great sounding talks submitted, but I'd still got like even


On Mon, 2008-10-13 at 09:19 +1300, Andrew Ruthven wrote:
> MythTV Mini-conference - LCA2009
> ================================
> We are pleased to announce the call for presentations for the first
> MythTV conference in Australasia!  The conference will be a one-day 
> mini-conference hosted as part of linux.conf.au conference in Hobart,
> Tasmania, Australia which will be held in January 2009.  The MythTV
> mini-conference will be held on Monday the 19th.
> MythTV is a personal video recorder (PVR) for Linux which allows you
> to decide what you want to watch; when you want to watch it.  MythTV
> has been increasing in popularity since Isaac Richards first started
> working on it in 2002.  It is now very usable, and has several dedicated
> Linux distributions, as well as several books written about it.
> We are looking for presentations that are related to MythTV in some
> shape or form.  Some example topics are (but by no means limited to):
>   MythTV internals, the new QT interface, up and coming
>   plugins, the plugin you're currently working on, how
>   Shepherd works, your ultimate MythTV setup, making DTV
>   work for you.
> There will be several lengths of presentations available:
>   5 minute, lightening talks;
>   25 minute, half length talks; and
>   50 minute, full length talks.
> Please submit your presentation to lca09 at etc.gen.nz.  It should include
> some information about yourself, a synopsis of your talk and which of 
> the above presentation lengths you expect to fit within.
> Dates and Deadlines
> -------------------
> To encourage early submissions priority (both of inclusion and 
> scheduling) will be given to presentations submitted before the 24th of
> October.
> 2008-10-24: Deadline for early submissions
> 2008-10-29: Early acceptances notified
> 2008-11-10: Deadline for late submissions
> 2008-11-16: Final programme confirmation.
> 2009-01-19: Start of conference.
> About linux.conf.au
> -------------------
> linux.conf.au [1] is Australia's annual technical conference on Free
> Software. Fun, informal and seriously technical, linux.conf.au draws
> together Free and Open Source Software developers from across the world.
> It is the annual conference for Linux Australia.
> About Linux Australia
> ---------------------
> Linux Australia [2] is the peak body for Linux User Groups (LUGs) around
> Australia, and as such represents approximately 5,000 Australian Linux
> users and developers. Linux Australia facilitates the organisation of
> this international Free and Open Source Software conference.
> [1] http://linux.conf.au/
> [2] http://www.linux.org.au/
> Andrew Ruthven
> LCA2009 MythTV Mini-conference Organiser
> http://mythtv.etc.gen.nz
Andrew Ruthven, Wellington, New Zealand
At home: andrew at etc.gen.nz       |  This space intentionally
                                 |        left blank.
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