[mythtvnz] Newbie question regarding Daylight Savings time.

banksie at paradise.net.nz banksie at paradise.net.nz
Wed Oct 8 21:54:08 BST 2008

Okay so this is probably a total newbie question but searching through the
mythtv documentation I can't seem to find an easy answer to it.

I am using xmlTVNZ to do the webscraping needed to fill the epg and I have a
shell script that runs xmlTVNZ and then follows it with a mythfilldatabase call
to then pull the xml file into the database. However this procedure seems
permanently stuck on NZST which means, for the meantime, I have been running the
clock an hour back. This gets annoying everytime I reboot the box to as I have
to remember to reset the clock. The weird thing is that the xml file has the
correct time shift in it, thus :-

<programme start="20081008000000 +1300" stop="20081008001500 +1300" channel="tv1">

So why isn't mythfilldatabase picking up on the +1300 here? I am just using a :-

mythfilldatabase --file 1 tvguide.xml

So how do I kick the database filling to properly respect NZDST here?


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