[mythtvnz] EPG Data

Evan Giles evan at catalyst.net.nz
Mon Oct 6 03:24:24 BST 2008

Hi Hads

I hear that you provide the EPG data for mythtv in NZ (which by the way
I have been using very happily for a while - thank you)

I also hear that you apply hacks to the data to overcome the vagueness
of the broadcasting people...

With that in mind, would it be possible to massage the "Dr Phil"
listings into something more consistent?  I have just had it pointed out
to me by my wife that I have missed todays recording.

It seems that it is sometimes listed as "Dr Phil" (7th Oct)  and
sometimes listed as "Dr. Phil" (8th, 9th 10th Oct).

Thanks in advance - and apologies if this sort of email gets in the way
of more interesting stuff.

Evan Giles

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