[mythtvnz] Hello from Norway -- Your dvb-t brethren

Håkon Alstadheim hakon at alstadheim.priv.no
Fri May 23 11:22:49 BST 2008

I just joined the list because I hit your archives when googling for 
dvb-t, mythtv and nz. Norway uses (more or less) the same standard for 
DVB-T as New Zealand, so I'll be watching what happens on that front 
closely. I finally got myth going again with analog tv, (after a short 
period running kernel 2.6.25 :-( ), so I will not be building the custom 
myth for dvb-t just yet.

The main obstacle I see at the moment is the handling of interlaced 
content. ALL the dvb-t content in Norway is interlaced, so the stripes 
and mpeg-artifacts in the images are really annoying. I take a peek at 
the state of things by building mplayer from svn about once a week. Some 
of the crashing bugs have been ironed out, and I got a patch to make 
audio stay in sync for interlaced content. That patch still applies to 
current svn, so the current state of interlaced dvb-t in mplayer is 
"barely watchable if you really must".

If progress is made I'll be happy to try out patches, time permitting. 
I'm running gentoo with mythtv-0.21_p17100 and faad2-2.6.1-r1 at the 
moment, I'm sure I will be able to bungle my way into making a custom 
ebuild :-)

Håkon Alstadheim

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