[mythtvnz] MythTV 0.21 released

Hadley Rich hads at nice.net.nz
Sat Mar 8 21:13:47 GMT 2008

Hey all,

MythTV 0.21 has just (really just) been released. There are some great 
improvements over the 0.20 release. Some of my favourites are;

The watch list group in recordings screen (very useful), this shows a list of 
recordings that you probably want to watch until you mark them as watched and 
they drop off.

Storage groups - really convinient and simpler to setup than LVM. You can 
shift recordings around between groups and the backend will still be able to 
find them.

Ability to use any XMLTV compliant grabberr (which was recently backported to 
0.20.2). This means we get to use mythfilldatabase just like countries with 
grabbers included in XMLTV.

There are many many other features and enhancements, more details here;


Beware that Mysql 5 is required in case your distro hasn't updated yet.


VoIP, DVB and other Linux compatible hardware

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