[mythtvnz] Hardy updates breaks schedule

Barry Clearwater barryc at bcsystems.co.nz
Mon Jun 30 00:29:01 BST 2008

We are currently trying to figure out why the recording schedule broke
on our recently updated (Wednesday) mythbox. Its been running hardy
heron for about 3 weeks without problem but glitched since running
updates, which contained kernel and mythtv updates (trying to find what
updates were applied...)
TV watching live is ok, and pressing the record button saves the
program.  The scheduled records don't happen, and attempting to set a
new recording just gets ignored, the programs status does not change in
the guide.

Any suggestions appreciated.

BC Systems

18 Shaw Street
mailto:barryc at bcsystems.co.nz 
ph 03 4893915
mob 027 2219338

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