[mythtvnz] Detect manual power-on and start MythFrontend - how?

Matt Poff matt.poff at headfirst.co.nz
Mon Jun 2 20:39:50 BST 2008

On 2/06/2008, at 7:59 PM, Hadley Rich wrote:
> grep "woken up by" mythbackend.log | tail -1 | awk '{print $NF}'
> (where ever your backend log is) and start mythfrontend based on the  
> result of
> that.

Thanks, I was thinking some kind of log checking routine might be the  
way to go. I've got a script attached to my power button for power off  
but (as far as I know) there's no way of knowing whether it was pushed  
to trigger a power on. Will give this one a go.

> I looked at software suspend, which half worked for me.  It would
> merrily suspend, but failed to restore leaving me with a corrupted
> swap and a fsck/journal replay on boot

Yeah, this is what scares me about enabling some of these options -  
would be nice because the fans in my media case are reasonably loud  
(supposed to be controllable according to the literature but only my  
graphics card fan seems to respond to speed changes).

Hopefully there'll be some further dev unifying MythWelcome with the  
back and frontend software - the WAF is impacted a touch when  the  
system is expected to behave pretty much like any other dumb appliance  
in the house but requires extra finessing.

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