[mythtvnz] MythTV Status in your MOTD (and email) - Version 0.7.0

Andrew Ruthven andrew at etc.gen.nz
Sat Jan 19 21:42:43 GMT 2008


I'm please to announce version 0.7.0, the new feature is:

- Displaying the shows which are due to auto expire.

This is an optional feature, to enable it add --auto-expire to the
command line.  By default it shows the next 10 shows which will expire.
Use --auto-expire-count to change that number.

As usual, find it at:

What is mythtv-status?

In October 2007 I was recompiling some kernels during the day on our
MythTV backend, which at the time happened to be recording my wifes
favourite program (Grey's Anatomy, we discovered it part way through the
season, so the repeats are good).  It turns out the compiling caused
some issues with the recording (which reduced the WAF). 

So to increase the WAF, I'm making sure this doesn't happen again.  I've
written a script that spits out the MythTV status which is then
displayed in the MOTD.

I've found this is a pretty effective way of letting me know of any
upcoming recordings and what is going to be happening on the system in
the next little while.  It is a whole lot easier than using the status
page on MythWeb.


Andrew Ruthven
Wellington, New Zealand
At home: andrew at etc.gen.nz       |  This space intentionally
                                 |        left blank.
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