[mythtvnz] Replacing hard disk in mythbuntu

Simon Green simon at simongreen.net
Sun Feb 3 09:58:39 GMT 2008

On 03/02/2008, Phil Heath <phil.heath at paradise.net.nz> wrote:
> Thanks, that worked well.  Interesting how it's either 'ice on glass' or
> 'back to the ol' command prompt'.
> Next problem is, when I look at all the recordings I've got, all the old
> recordings are still there,  but when I choose one it tells me the file
> can't be found.  There must be  a command I can use to resync the database
> or clear all recordings or whatever.  Can you tell me what it is?

At an MySQL prompt

DELETE FROM recorded;

will remove the list of recorded programs.

  -- simon

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