[mythtvnz] Question about building Pauls Mythtv + Patches

Graeme Woollett g.woollett at irl.cri.nz
Mon Aug 25 22:23:31 BST 2008

After the continuing problems with TV3 stuttering last night with the 
loop filter patch included, I've been double checking that I have the 
patch right.  Steve in your post from the 24/8 17:46 this was left 
out.   :-)

In the archives in this block I've noticed the inclusion of this line -

enc->thread_count = 2;

It looks important, but is it something that would make a difference?


                if (!handled)
                    if (CODEC_ID_H264 == enc->codec_id)
                        VERBOSE(VB_PLAYBACK, LOC + "Turning off loop 
                        enc->skip_loop_filter = AVDISCARD_ALL;
                        VERBOSE(VB_PLAYBACK, LOC + "Enabling Fast decode 
                        enc->flags           |= CODEC_FLAG2_FAST;
                        video_codec_id = kCodec_H264;
                        video_codec_id = kCodec_MPEG2; // default to MPEG2

                if (enc->codec)
                    VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, LOC
                            <<"Warning, video codec "<<enc<<" "
                            <<") type ("<<codec_type_string(enc->codec_type)
                            <<") already open.");

If I'm stuck with the TV3, situation are there transcoding options (that 
work) in mythtv to say downscale/convert 1080i to 720p for instance?
I'm quite happy to wait for TV3 recordings to go though the mill before 
watching them.


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