[mythtvnz] Skystar DVB-S Card

Johan Schuld johanschuld at gmail.com
Sun Apr 27 22:53:13 BST 2008

Hi All,

I've recently moved to a new flat and they have a dish. So time for
freeview. (prime reception = bad.. :(.

So from what i've seen the Skystar2 is an easy and good choice for a mythtv
system. So i've been on the look around and found them hard to get. I've
found them on e-bay but have not located a NZ supplier yet.

Also, recently someone mentioned that the latest revision (2.8a ?) is not
properly supported by linux, is this still the case and should I go for a
2.6 revision?

Plan is to leave my PVR-150 in there.

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