[mythtvnz] lircd.conf configuration for Technisat remote

Matt Poff matt.poff at headfirst.co.nz
Thu Apr 17 22:12:34 BST 2008

Following Steve Holdoway's tute on configuring the Skystar Technisat  
remote for MythTV I've got the remote resolderered and sending unique  
codes. I updated the scripts to support the serial IR receiver but got  
erratic results then realised the iMON IR receiver already installed  
was interfering with things. I didn't think the iMON receiver would  
register signals from non-iMON remotes but it seems to be.

So, I would prefer to use the built-in receiver with the Technisat  
rather than the serial device. The problem is the Technisat sends a  
different  code on every alternate button press and I'm not sure how  
to set the lircd.conf settings so it behaves like the iMON remote.

I've tried adding a duplicate entry for each button with both codes  
but only the first is recognised. Here's an example of the output from  
mode2 for both remotes for comparison (you can see the Technisat code  
alternates and the code has some variance in it for the Technisat but  
not for the iMON).

iMON remote button press 1
code: 0x299595b7
code: 0x299595b7
code: 0x299595b7

iMON remote button press 2
code: 0x299595b7
code: 0x299595b7
code: 0x299595b7

Technisat remote button press 1
code: 0x45956b37
code: 0x45955b37
code: 0x45956b37
code: 0x45955b37

Technisat remote button press 2
code: 0x51955b37
code: 0x59955b37
code: 0x59954b37
code: 0x59954b37
code: 0x59956b37

It's obvious there's a consistent toggle bit between the codes so I  
tried to subtract press 2 from press 1 and set this as the toggle  
bitmask (i.e 0x59955b37 - 0x45955b37 = 0x14000000). So here's the  
header of the lircd.conf file I'm using with the calculated toggle bit  
(all the other values were auto generated by irrecord).

begin remote

   name  TTS35AI_iMonReceiver
   bits           32
   eps            30
   aeps          100

   one             0     0
   zero            0     0
   gap          211985
   toggle_bit_mask 0x14000000

If I fire up irw and press the key repeatedly I still only register a  
key press on every second press.

Does anyone know how I can set the config file to treat  
0x45956ad7/0x55956ad7 as the same code?

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