[mythtvnz] HD DVB-T tuner card recommendation

Hadley Rich hads at nice.net.nz
Tue Nov 13 21:46:44 GMT 2007

On Wednesday 14 November 2007 10:11:27 Graeme Woollett wrote:
> Can you elaborate on this Steve?  I'm looking at the price HVR3000 and
> find it appealing.
> What sort of machine would I need to do H.264 in software and display in
> HD.  I presently have an X2 3600 rig.

A DVB-* tuner receives a MPEG stream and passes it on. The software does the 
rest. As long as you have decent drivers for whatever card you want to use 
the rest doesn't really matter.

Currently you'll need loads of CPU to do H.264, it's slowly getting better. I 
don't have any H.264 stuff so don't have any specifics.


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