[mythtvnz] Detect missing schedule items

Criggie criggie at criggie.dyndns.org
Mon Nov 12 20:00:33 GMT 2007

Andrew Ruthven wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-11-13 at 07:40 +1300, Criggie wrote:
>> Another idea for a talented person would be a script that
>> consults the database, and checks to see if a repeated
>> weekly program set to record is not a week afterwards,
>> and sends an email or something to say
>>          Hey, "Doctor Who" was recorded last week, but
>>          this week its replaced by "Dr Who"

> Actually, that sounds like it'd be really useful, and stop most of the
> WAF reducing events.  It shouldn't be that hard to write either.
> The only problem I can see is that I have a number of schedules that are
> set to "record this whenever" and when the new season starts (like
> Heroes) it just starts being recorded.  So the monitoring script would
> have to keep a bit of state so it can track what is currently being
> recorded.

Check the same time slot 7 days later for recordings that are not "record
this once" and send one email if the title has changed (or if theres
nothing set to record on that channel at that time.)

Does depend on how long the schedualling information is kept for days gone



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