[mythtvnz] Open MythWeb access

Wade Maxfield mythtvnz at hotblack.co.nz
Thu Nov 1 03:37:15 GMT 2007

>At 12:32 p.m. 1/11/2007, you wrote:
>>Someone has a mythbox called 'MythBox' with two encoder cards, is possibly
>>connected to the 'net through NZWIRELESS, has torrentflux installed and
>>hasn't secured their mythweb installation. If this sounds like you then you
>>may want to look into that.
>Silly question time -- how do you configure apache to only allow users from
>the 192.168.0.whatever IP range? Can't spot anything in /etc about it.

In your apache conf file (or .htaccess if you're set up that way) you 
can use mod_access:

<Directory /path/to/docs>
# default Order Deny,Allow is in effect here
  Deny from all
  Allow from
  Allow from

Or you could use mod_rewrite

and a good tutorial is here (it has examples on how to exclude a 
range - so just reverse the match rule)

  - Wade

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