[mythtvnz] Recorded items showing in Previous Recordings but not under Watch Recordings...?!

Matt Poff mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Mon, 28 May 2007 08:50:22 +1200

I recorded three shows last night using the EPG. Disk activity and load 
on the system suggests the shows were recorded. Now, when I search for 
them in the "Show Recordings" menu they don't appear. The only place 
they appear is in the "Previous Recordings" and "Delete Recordings" 
menus. Am I missing something really simple here and/or has anyone else 
hit this problem?

I also get really dreadful fast-forward/rewind seeking beyond 3x. I'm 
using a 7200rpm new SATA drive. I'm assuming DMA is enabled because 
diagnostics are showing transfer of around 60Mb/sec.
