[mythtvnz] epgsnoop use
Robin Gilks
Wed, 14 Mar 2007 22:47:35 +1300 (NZDT)
> On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 18:47:59 Robin Gilks wrote:
>> Silly question time
>> I take it that epgsnoop uses dvbsnoop so something somewhere has to tune
>> the card?
>> If that is the case how do I do it?
>> Cheers
> Yes, that is the case. When I'm not so busy with work I intend to update
> the
> script and include a bit about the dependencies and usage.
> The following is part of my daily epg cron;
> dvbtune -f 1921000 -s 22500 -p v -m -tone 0 2&> /dev/null &
> /usr/local/bin/epgsnoop --user=$USER --database --imdb --quiet > $TMPFILE
> /usr/local/bin/mythfilldatabase --no-delete --file 1 -1 $TMPFILE 2&>
> /dev/null
> You may need to adjust the 1921000 for the frequency of you LNB. Mine is
> 10.75
> so 12671000-10750000 = 1921000
> hads
Thanks hads - that just worked!!
Well chuffed - now just gotta work out how to share the LNB with the Sky
box and hope that Sky goes horizontal before I give up and buy another
dish :-)
Robin Gilks