[mythtvnz] Help! Can't change channels in LiveTV

Robin Gilks mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Wed, 20 Jun 2007 07:51:13 +1200 (NZST)

> Hi guys,
> Have just installed a new MythTV box, but have a problem. I can't
> change channels in LiveTV. If I schedule a recording, it will change
> channel and record fine, but won't change channels when using LiveTV.
> When I start LiveTV it will show the last channel I recorded. The up
> and down buttons will change the OSD, but the channel itself does not
> change. Nothing in the mythfrontend, backend logs or syslog reveal any
> problems (i've attached the output below).
> Have deleted and re-added the card in mythtv-setup, but that doesn't
> fix it. Running Ubuntu Fesity AMD64 with a PVR-150 card, and the
> packages that came in Ubuntu.
> Any ideas?

Sounds like you have browse mode enabled (I can't remember which setup
menu page its on) - use the up/down to find what you want and then press
Select (or Enter) and you will change to that channel.

Very handy to see what else is on! Once you are in browse mode you can use
left/right to move along the timeline for a channel to see whats on next

Robin Gilks