[mythtvnz] Suggestions for a MythTV Box

Andrew Ruthven mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Sat, 02 Jun 2007 14:41:47 +1200

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On Fri, 2007-06-01 at 15:52 +1200, Guy Lowe wrote:
> Andrew Ruthven wrote:
> > On Fri, 2007-06-01 at 15:17 +1200, Criggie wrote:
> > I'm storing them as MPEG2, but at a lower resolution, so DVB (also
> > MPEG2) will probably consume the space faster.
> >=20
> Have you considered transcoding? At the moment I'm transcoding to
> mpeg4 (My myth box is only a p4 1.6, so I have my desktop doing all
> the transcoding and commflagging), and recordings are around a third
> of their original size without any visible quality loss.

I'm using a Via Epia motherboard in my frontend which has a hardware
MPEG2 decoder which I'm using.  So storing everything in MPEG2 is better
in my case.


Andrew Ruthven
Wellington, New Zealand
At home: andrew@etc.gen.nz       |  This space intentionally
                                 |        left blank.

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