[mythtvnz] from scheduled to recorded...
Nick Rout
Thu, 26 Jul 2007 18:04:10 +1200
Barry Clearwater wrote:
> I Do have a skystar card, but let me extrapolate a little
> On the mythtv user on the frontend/backend box (aka media) is where I
> have the issues, so a pointer how to reset things would be good. For
> example, on the other frontend machine (aka mordy) under my user, all
> the mythtv recordings show up in the correct place. So I figure the
> backend is ok, its just fronted settings on media for mythtv user.
> Are these all in the database?
What should matter is the mysql user that connects, not the unix user,
if you get my drift. Most mythtv systems seem to be set up with one and
one only mysql user, (often called mythtv) no matter how many front ends
you have. This doesn't mean that you have to run the frontend on another
machine as user mythtv, it means that the settings in
/home/username/.mythtv/mysql.txt must be set to connect as the mythtv
user. For example on my frontend machine I run as nick, so
/home/nick/.mythtv/mysql.txt contains:
nick@sf ~ $ cat /home/nick/.mythtv/mysql.txt
DBType=QMYSQL3 is the backend (combined B/F actually)
This should be all that is needed for permissions to be right, as all
recording and saving and is done by the backend, and database
manipulation done by the mythtv user.