[mythtvnz] what lircd.conf to use for TelstraClear remote?

Hadley Rich mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Fri, 9 Feb 2007 09:31:48 +1300

On Fri, 09 Feb 2007 09:19:04 Duncan Kennington wrote:
> For reference, my channel changing script is:
> #!/bin/sh
> for digit in $(echo $1 | sed -e 's/./& /g'); do
>   /usr/local/lirc-ledxmit/bin/ledxmit-irsend SEND_ONCE $REMOTE_NAME $digit
>   sleep 1.3
> done
> (the sleep is important - depending on the decoder this can be adjusted
> down - 1.3 is slow, but always works.  I found 0.8 would have 20 sometimes
> change to 2 instead)

Here's mine;


import os, sys
#import time

        channel = sys.argv[1]
        print "Usage: change_chan.py NUMBER"
        if len(channel) == 1:
                channel = "00%s" % channel
        if len(channel) == 2:
                channel = "0%s" % channel
        for number in channel:
SEND_ONCE DTH335 %s' % number)

Python is overkill but I use it for other stuff so it's on there anyway. My 
Skybox (Motorola) doesn't seem to care about how fast you send the digits so 
there's no sleep. Also sending all three digits is faster for me as the Sky 
box then doesn't have to pause when you are finished waiting for more input.


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