[mythtvnz] apology Re: New To List

Nick Rout nick.rout at gmail.com
Sat Dec 1 05:26:29 GMT 2007

On Dec 1, 2007 6:22 PM, Nick Rout <nick.rout at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Dec 1, 2007 6:13 PM, Corrin Lakeland <lakeland at gmail.com> wrote:
> > My personal feeling was his message was okay, but yeah, it is hard to
> > draw the line sometime
> >
> > As sells go, it was pretty soft.
> Agreed, but I was asked what i thought about selling posts and the
> response is basically i want none, because the line between soft and
> hard, and the line between someone who contributes enough to be cut a
> bit of slack and someone who doesn't are both impossible to draw.
> Needless to say I wouldn't get involved again in the absence of
> something particularly blatant or a complaint. frankly I didn't even
> notice Steve's post and I am only expressing a preference because I
> was asked. End of story thanks, let me get on with the hours of TV
> myth has decided I want to watch :-)
> I am very happy with the way the list runs.

OK the last laugh is on gmail, which is showing me right now a
targeted ad for email marketing in NZ. LOL, "All your mail are belong
to us."

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