[mythtvnz] TelstraClear cable channel data

Jonathan Guthrie mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Mon, 16 Apr 2007 00:57:34 +1200

Scratch that, as is always the way, as soon as you finally decide to  
publicly ask for help, one finds the answer :)

Interesting relevant thread for me next though, should help me get  
the channel changing happening:

On 16/04/2007, at 12:29 AM, Jonathan Guthrie wrote:

> OK, had more of a play tonight and I have progress and yet none...
> At the other end of the house where I can plug it into the external  
> aerial it scans and registers the normal free-to-air channels, but  
> when I bring the box back to where it should be and plug it into  
> either the tuner slot or the composite slot out from the back of  
> the TC analog set top box, and do a channel scan, neither come up  
> with any channels. The TV is OK with both these inputs so there's  
> definitely signal incoming just fine.
> Entering some "common" ones hardcoded seems to end in grief too - I  
> just get fuzz when I go "Watch TV"
> Is there a secret to this that I'm missing? Tried googling and  
> nothing seemed particularly relevant in this scenario.


// ---------------------------------------------------------
     Jonathan Guthrie
     jono@xserve.co.nz   |   Mob +64 21 678890
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