[mythtvnz] Re: DVB issues

Steve Hodge mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Thu, 28 Sep 2006 18:20:17 +1200

On 9/28/06, Toby Mills <toby@np.co.nz> wrote:
> >Steve, thanks for sending me the script, it works well, only problem is it
> generates the times with an hour offset, does >anyone know how to correct
> this, is it using mythfilldatabase or the script.
> Actually its not an hour, its some other number, what offset are you using?
> I found the place to change it using the script.

The whole script I use to load EPG data is:
export QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt3
rm /home/mythtv/listings-*.xml
dvbstream -s 22500 -o:/dev/null -f 1371 -p v -n 60 8192 &
/home/mythtv/tv_grab_dvb -s --user-categories
--category-map=/home/mythtv/categories_skynz -o 12 >
#mythfilldatabase --update --file 1 -1 /home/mythtv/listings-$$.xml
mythfilldatabase --update --file 2 -1 /home/mythtv/listings-$$.xml
mythfilldatabase --update --file 4 -1 /home/mythtv/listings-$$.xml
#rm /home/mythtv/listings-$$.xml
killall dvbstream

This gives me correct local date/times in the xml file. E.g. Just
Shoot Me on Sky 1 shows: start="20060928180000"
