[mythtvnz] HD

Nick Rout mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Wed, 06 Sep 2006 20:39:35 +1200

On 1:54 pm 09/05/06 "Steven Ellis" <steven@openmedia.co.nz> wrote:
> Steve Hodge wrote:
> >  On 9/5/06, Mike Dilger <mike@mikedilger.com> wrote:
> >>  HD is taking a long time, because of the chicken-and-egg problem
> >>  ("well no one has HD ready hardware".... "well no one has HD
> >>  media to show us").   That doesn't mean HD won't happen, but just
> >>  that it won't switch over as quickly as you might think.
> >
> >  That's why I think it'll be driven by HD-DVD/Bluray in this
> >  country. People will buy HD equipment because the movies are
> >  available. And so the chicken and egg problem goes away for the
> broadcasters.
> People aren't buying normal TVs any more. Almost everyone wants a HD
> set and then is shocked at how bad SkyTV looks on it :)
> Steve

Frankly I'd rather the networks properly broadcast in 16:9 than worry
overly much about HD. I get pissed off watching almost anything on NZ TV
knowing that I am missing a huge chunk of the director's vision, not to
mention the awful waste of screen space on my widescreen TV.

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