[mythtvnz] Mythbackend crashes

Toby Mills mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Wed, 6 Sep 2006 16:34:29 +1200

>Hmm Which DVB driver are you all using? Had a look at the dvb mailing =
and mercurial recently for changes?
I installed 1.1.1 from source about 2 months ago, I unfortunately can't
install mercurial on my box due to dependancy issues which I don't have =
guts to try and iron out on a 'live' box. (it would require removing =
packages that myth depends on).
Does anyone have a tarball of the latest v4l-dvb source or know where it =
be downloaded from?
The tarballs on the linuxtv.org site appear to be out of sync with CVS.


-----Original Message-----
From: mythtvnz-admin@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
[mailto:mythtvnz-admin@lists.linuxnut.co.nz] On Behalf Of Steven Ellis
Sent: Wednesday, 6 September 2006 3:48 p.m.
To: mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Subject: RE: [mythtvnz] Mythbackend crashes

Toby Mills wrote:
>>No luck tracing, but my machine hasn't actually crashed.  I've just=20
>>noticed tremendously slow downs, towards the end of recording, and=20
>>this was verified watching top at the time. Machine running FC5 x86_64 =

>>(kernel 2.6.17-1.2174), ivtv 0.7, 2GB RAM, 2GB SWAP
> Ok, yes you do have a bit more headroom than me, I've only got 512Mb=20
> in my backend which is cutting it fine a bit, still its been ok for 6=20
> months so this is definitely something that has happened in the last=20
> week. My mythbackend rarely crashes, the box just slows down to a=20
> crawl and pages furiously, it often takes 3 or 4 minutes to ssh in and =

> shut her down and because it usually happens while the wife is=20
> standing over my shoulder tapping her foot I haven't really had a=20
> chance to snoop around while its doing it to diagnose any further.
> I'll order some more RAM for a start which I've been meaning to do for
> ages
> and hopefully that may reduce the swapping somewhat and give it a bit =
> breathing space. I might also cron a daily reboot.


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