[mythtvnz] Re: 0.19 / mythfilldatabase / time screwup

Wade Maxfield mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Sun, 7 May 2006 09:52:16 +1200

>This may help?

Thanks, but it didn't. 8(  I don't have tzconfig for some reason 
**shrug** but my timezone was correct.

After a bit of digging around I have found the issue though.  In 
mythtvsetup there is a XMLTV grabber offset.  Mine was set to Auto, 
when it should have been set to None.  Auto tries to convert from UTC 
to localtime using your timezone offset, while None assumes that the 
datetime in the xml is in localtime already.

I don't remember seeing this option before, so I think it's new 0.19. 
If anyone running 0.18.1 could check and see if they have this 
option, then that would help me track down where/when things went 
