[mythtvnz] 0.19 / mythfilldatabase / time screwup

Wade Maxfield mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Sat, 6 May 2006 18:27:50 +1200

I've just upgraded to 0.19, and now my guide has gone kaboom.  I'm 
using a DVB-S card to grab the xml (using the guide at pvr.geek.nz) 
then using

mythfilldatabase --no-delete --file 2 -1 /tmp/listings-latest.xml

to load the guide data.  Has been working fine since xmas with 0.18. 
I upgraded to 0.19 (using atrpms) yesterday, and today I noticed the 
program guide was looking a little screwy.  So I emptied the table 
and ran the script to grab the xml and load it, so I now have a clean 
set of data.  Looking through the data it's all out by 12 hours. 
Stuff that should be on 7pm sat, is appearing at 7am sun.   Looking 
at the raw xml I can see the original timestamp and it's correct, it 
just what appears in the database that is wrong.  I've checked my 
time zone and it's set to Pacific/Auckland (NZST).

Anyone else running 0.19 hit this?  Any ideas on things to check? The 
missus is not pleased at the moment... 8(

- Wade