[mythtvnz] TV-Output - 720x576

Toby Mills mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Wed, 7 Jun 2006 14:52:29 +1200

>I would suggest ignoring all the nvidia options, and looking at nvtv. It
may work better, or it may break everything.

Thanks David,
Yes nvtv is the only thing I haven't played with because it is too high a
risk on a production 'wife' system where failure to record desparate
housewives = death via repeated stabbing.

Trying to fix the little black border by fiddling with nvtv has too high a
risk of death asociated with it :)

I need a test environment, but as you say it isn't even consistent across
the same model of card so it probably wouldn't help.

I might do a complete system backup and then have a play with nvtv and hope
I don't break everything.
