[mythtvnz] TV Output - 720x576

Andrew Bruce mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Wed, 07 Jun 2006 12:17:57 +1200

Does anyone have a fully working modeline or similar way of getting an 
NVidia card (using the NVidia driver) to properly display onto the TV?

For some reason, everything points to the fact that it is running in 
720x756 resolution (both via the X log's and x11vnc session info), but 
on the TV the edges of the output are still quite cut off.

This is via an old GeForce2 DH Pro card (or something like that).  I may 
be able to 'borrow' a GeForce 4 to try if it is believed that this is 
what is causing the problems (at this stage, I won't be running out to 
buy one until I ensure that all of the little 'annoyances' that I've 
currently got can be fixed).


Andrew Bruce