[mythtvnz] Setting up guide data and filling db

Andrew Bruce mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Fri, 02 Jun 2006 22:58:13 +1200

I'm having some trouble getting the guide data to work with my setup.

I've followed a few sets of instructions, each time with no success.

I have the guide data in an xml file and am manually filling the 
database.  During the setup process I can exit the mythtv-setup program, 
fill the data base and then resume at section 4.  I can then see that 
the channels have been populated, and edit the settings (like channel 
images, etc).  This all seems to work fine and I can watch Live TV fine.

But I can't see the program guide data in myth at all to schedule 
recordings.  I've speant a lot of time mucking around trying to get this 
to work, including dumping the entire database and starting again 
several times but to no success (although I believe I may be getting 

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.


Andrew Bruce

PS - I'm using a BT848 based card at this stage, but I followed both the 
guide on the gentoo-wiki and on 
http://zaf.geek.nz/projects/mythtv/mythtv-howto-step-3.php (suited to 
PVR500 cards) but with little success - more with the PVR500 guide than 
the Gentoo guide however.