[mythtvnz] Help spending my brothers $5K on MythTV

Steve Hodge mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Thu, 23 Feb 2006 14:55:49 +1300

On 2/23/06, Steven Ellis <mail_lists@stevencherie.net> wrote:
> What are you capturing at resolution/codec/bitrate wise.

576x576 MPEG4 @ 4400 bitrate (quality min/max 15/2). Interlaced DCT
and motion estimation on. Audio is 44.1kHz MP3 quality 3.

I find the picture acceptable. It's not as good as Sky direct (not
suprising given the extra A->D->A conversion), though not far off.

> Personally I've never been happy with the RTJpeg based captures.

I thought MPEG4 looked better and went with that. I haven't tried a
PVR-150, but I can't see it making a huge difference. Recording off
Sky or FTA analogue is always going to be pretty average quality-wise.
