[mythtvnz] Setting up an irblaster

Corrin Lakeland mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Mon, 20 Feb 2006 21:53:19 +1300

On Monday 20 February 2006 20:10, Dagan Galarneau wrote:

> It was a bit tricky getting a single lirc instance to run two different
> remotes, such as the PVR-350 for receiving and the IR Blaster for
> transmitting.

I think my setup for that is okay, at least I followed the howto to the letter 
and got all the devices created :)  I checked that I could use my MCE remote 
and it worked fine.  I also tried killing that instance of lirc in case that 
helped the serial one, but with no noticeable difference.

>  There was an excellent site at lircsetup.com that made it
> pretty simple, but I'm sad to see it's down right now.

Yes, I've been trying to access it via google cache.

> The first thing I should mention is that the digital camera trick didn't
> work for me with the IR Blaster.  

Oh, okay.  Guess I can't even rule that out then :)

> Which flavour of linux are you running?  In my initial testing, I was
> getting log entries similar to yours.  It took a while before I got
> everything working properly.  Unfortunately, the hard drive died in my
> MythTV box so I can't see my working setup and am thus operating from
> memory.

debian testing/unstable
custom-built kernel (
custom-built LIRC (0.8.0) installed using the 0.7.2 debian scripts

My changechannels script:

for digit in $(echo $1 | sed -e 's/./& /g'); do
irsend --device=/dev/lircd1 SEND_ONCE $REMOTE_NAME $digit
sleep 0.4 # note, you may have to tweak the interdigit delay up a bit
irsend --device=/dev/lircd1 SEND_ONCE $REMOTE_NAME OK

I've never previously used the serial port on this computer, I had to manually 
reenable it in the bios and the kernel before I could get LIRC working.  I 
don't have any other serial devices for testing that the port is working, and 
while I have another computer with a serial port, I've never tested that port 
