[mythtvnz] Extracting EPG from sky

Steve Hodge mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Fri, 3 Feb 2006 14:17:04 +1300

On 2/3/06, David Zanetti <david.zanetti@catalyst.net.nz> wrote:
> You're assuming it's handled by the CPU. The way the boxes are designed,
> all encryption is offloaded to NDS-supplied chipsets, and they already
> cope with at least 5Mbit/s of video+audio, so I doubt the EPG data is
> going to pose a problem. (EPG data on Sky transponders runs between 0.5
> and 1Mbit/s.) The slowness of the rest of the box doesn't reflect any
> inablity to encrypt the data, it's only UI rubbish hitting the CPU :)
> FWIW, the DVB spec _does_ allow EPG data to be encrypted. Yes, it'll be
> a last step, but one they can probably do with little fanfare.

Video and audio decryption is offloaded, but what are the chances data
decryption can be handled the same way? I guess if the spec allows
encrypted EPG data there is a reasonable chance.
