[mythtvnz] Further 150 stuff

Steve Hodge mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Fri, 18 Aug 2006 11:47:28 +1200

On 8/18/06, AlanP <alan.p@orcon.net.nz> wrote:
> If I use this table, trying to view the DVB channels results in
> static from the tuner for some reason known only to God. Switching cards
> with 'y' results in the DVB signal, but I'm not sure that this would work
> with recordings. TV3, pure 150, works nice (if with somewhat fuzzy
> reception) with a working EPG, but nothing else does. Not even "Channel 2"
> or "Channel 4".
> Can someone PLEASE tell me where I'm going wrong with this?

You shouldn't have the same sourceid for DVB and tuner channels. Your
setup should look like this:

Cards (capturecard table):

The above might not be quite accurate, but this part is probably
correct for you already.

Video Sources (videosource table):
sourceid, name
1, Satellite
2, Tuner

I think you only have one row here. You need to set up separate video
sources for the DVB card and the PVR150's tuner. The video source
represents a particular video feed (practically the set of channels
available on a particular input of a capture card) - you don't have
the same feed on the DVB card as the PVR150, even though they have
some channels in common.

Card/Video source connections (cardinput table):

Again, this might not be quite accurate, the point is that you need an
association between the DVB card and the DVB video source and an
association between the PVR150 and the "tuner" or "television" source.
At the moment I think you've got '1' in the third column for both your

2025,1025,,1,'Maori TV','Maori TV','1025.dvb.guide',10,1025
2035,1,,1,'TV One','TV One','1035.dvb.guide',10,1035
2036,2,,1,'TV 2','TV 2 (Sat)','1036.dvb.guide',10,1036
1006,3,196250,2,'TV 3','TV 3','1033.dvb.guide',,
1001,2,55250,2,'TV 2','TV 2 (Tuner)','1036.dvb.guide',,
1003,4,175250,2,'Channel 4','Channel 4',,,

The tuner channels should be associated with the tuner video source,
in this case sourceid 2. That's what is causing you problems, I
believe. I've also changed a few other things. You don't need to use
the default channel numbers (channum). The channel number is just the
number you enter on your remote to find the channel. It doesn't need
to correspond to the mplexid or the xmltvid or anything else. Call
sign is the unique identifier of the channel as broadcast (i.e. the
station). Channel ID (chanid) is just an internal identifier in the

If you want common channels (such as One and 2) to appear only once
you need to make sure that all instances of a particular channel have
the same channum and the same callsign. You should also give them all
the same xmltvid and load EPG data for the same source.

Hope this helps,