[mythtvnz] MythTV + MPlayer + Xine + Remote - A Solution

Steven Ellis mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Mon, 14 Aug 2006 21:50:43 +1200

phlux0r wrote:
> Steve, those general mappings make sense... I had my Hauppauge remote
> mapped in a similar fashion but then I did a KnoppMyth re-install and
> blew my old settings away. However, I never sorted out the Xine mappings
> for DVD operation. I'm definitely interested in getting a decent remote
> config working!
Sure. I'll see what I can do.
> One thing I noticed with the remote is when I watch a DVD then go back
> to the Program Schedule, the remote keys don't seem to work properly any
> more. For example, I can't navigate with the arrow keys through the
> schedule. Did you encounter this sort of behaviour but I can back out
> with the Exit button?
You need to update the version of Xine that comes with KnoppMyth. 0.99.3
has issues that are fixed in 0.99.4. Or there is the xterm hack that
sometimes works.

Steven Ellis - Technical Director
OpenMedia Limited
email   - steven@openmedia.co.nz
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