[mythtvnz] MythTV + MPlayer + Xine + Remote - A Solution

Open Media Support mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Mon, 14 Aug 2006 18:34:34 +1200 (NZST)

Ok i'm starting this thread to kick things off, and then i'll try and post
or provide links to the various files/scripts required to set this up if
people are interested.

A common complaint is how to use lirc with MythTV such that MPlayer and
Xine work correctly with the remote. Now for myPVR I've invested quite a
lot of time to get all of these working so that customers get the
behaviour that they would expect from an "appliance".

First a quick warning. This is designed for MCE2 USB remotes, like the
newer Hauppauge remotes. It provides support for the extra hotkeys etc.
I'm sure it can be easily modified to work with other remote controls.

There are four components that make this up.

1. Keymap modification for MythTV to support the new hotkeys

I've pushed this to Issac as a potential MythTV standard, but it hasn't
generated enough interest to be included at the moment. I can provide a
SQL script to load this or take a look at
http://openmedia.co.nz/openmedia/content/view/27/59/ for an idea of what
i've done.

2. Custom MPlayer input.conf

To remap a couple of keys to align with MythTV

3. Custom Xine keymap

Changes a couple of keys to require Meta or Control to prevent conflicts
with lirc commands. Only an issue if you are a big keyboard user of Xine.

4. lircrc file

Contains a base setup using irxevent to control MythTV or MPlayer, plus an
additional section specific to Xine to map some additional keys etc.

Now I know I could have re-mapped all of Xine's keymap to be closer to
MPlayer and MythTV, but I tried to minimise my changes.

So what does this buy you? Well for a start DVD Menu navigation with Xine,
and sensible mappings to keys like DVD Menu and Info etc. Skip/Repeat will
chapter jump through a DVD, or track jump through an Audio CD.

Right so thats what I have got to offer. Any takers? Only requests is to
help make this even better. Think i'm pretty close to getting it right,
but some of you might have other ideas :)

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