[mythtvnz] Cabling my house

David Zanetti mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Wed, 02 Aug 2006 13:40:46 +1200

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On Tue, 2006-08-01 at 15:05 +1200, Andrew Ruthven wrote:
> I just want to try and guages peoples opinions here.  I'm going to cable
> up my house soon (both network and RG6 for video), and with the
> impending arrival of digital TV, should I run additional RG6 cable?
> Normally I would have run one RG6 cable to each faceplate for an antenna
> feed.  However, if digital TV comes along and we still have analog TV, I
> might be better to have two RG6 cables at each faceplate.  Otherwise
> I'll need a splitter where ever I want to have both.  (Which should be
> nowhere, since we mostly use MythTV.)

A multiswitch will give you combined UHF+Sat coverage in a single
outlet, but multiswitches are not that cheap.

I ran multiple RG6 outlets for the lounge, to both cover possible
quick-hack UHF support, and for multiple devices. But everywhere else
got a single run.

If it really matters, I'll get a multiswitch. :)

David Zanetti <david.zanetti@catalyst.net.nz>
Team Leader, Systems Administration
Catalyst IT Limited
+64-4-8032233 +64-21-402260

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