Solved [mythtvnz] Two PVR-150s, one works one doesn't - UPDATE

OpenMedia Support
Tue, 25 Apr 2006 18:20:20 +1200

Criggie wrote:

>I got both my tuners both working!
>Turns out there were extra bogus entries in the cardinput table, because
>ivtv changed the names of the Tuner from "Tuner 0" to "Tuner 1" between
>0.4.4 and 0.6.1
>To check....
>mysql>  select * from cardinput;
>Look for wrong values, and delete them with
>mysql> delete from cardinput where inputname="Tuner 0";
>Also nothing loaded the cx25840 module.
>PIP doesn't work, but thats cos the frontend is too gutless.
>I also require a better RF splitter... or a new aerial
>Now my solution will be archived on the web somewhere for others to find :)
You could add something on the Knoppmyth Wiki which is always a good
starting point when debugging.

The local MythTV website at should hopefully go
live later this week, once I get the ok on the structure and artwork.
Then we can start using that for tips/howtos etc.


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