[mythtvnz] Introduction number 2

Nick Rout mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Wed, 30 Nov 2005 16:41:46 +1300

Well I am Nick, member of clug, nzlug, gentoo-user and mythtv-nz mailing
lists (among others). I have mythtv set up on a EPIA M9000 box with 256M
of RAM and rather a lot of hard disk space. It is running gentoo linux
and mythtv 18.1. I tend to download quite a few shows from
tvtorrents.com and uknova.com and find mythvideo great for viewing

I record off SkyTV via the composite input on a Hauppauge PVR-150MCE
card (hardware MPEG-2). I have no terrestial TV reception to speak of
because I am in a gully in Lyttelton and the brow of the hill seems to
ruin any form of reception other than satellite. 8 years ago when we did
renovations and installed a new aerial (which didn't work) the installer
said "don't worry everyone will be getting their reception via satellite
in 5 years time". We scoffed at the time. He was right.

Current problems/issues:

1. finalising a new EPG setup, as (err hmm) Mr.Geek is busy and hasn't
been supplying EPG data for a while. More on this in another post.

2. getting my box to run cooler as its far too hot with two hard drives
in a box designed for one.

3. playback artefacts on live tv - still analysing the problem, but I
suspect it may in fact be audio related.

4. getting the built in mpeg2 decoding to work properly (which may or
may not fix 3).

5. Getting a widescreen TV (although this is a funding/wife problem not
a myth problem).

On Wed, 30 Nov 2005 16:21:21 +1300
sirlancelot wrote:

> Hi, I've just joined up, thanks for the invite Nick.
No problems.

Nick Rout <nick@rout.co.nz>