[mythtvnz] a new list to watch!

Duncan Kennington mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Wed, 30 Nov 2005 16:33:27 +1300 (NZDT)


As Drew said, there will probably be a lot of guide-based discussion on here - 
it is certainly a NZ-specific issue that pops up every so often!

About my myth:
I run a FE/BE in the lounge with a pair of PVR-150MCEs (ivtv 0.4.0) with SVN 
Myth from a few revisions before Isaac started redoing Live-TV.  I will 
probably jump up to current SVN in the next couple of weeks once the teething 
problems are sorted.

I am working on using an old laptop (with a dead battery) as another frontend 
driving the TV in the bedroom to allow me to watch Top Gear and 'dumb 
submarine shows' without disturbing the all important Eastenders, Coro, and 
Shortcake St. :-)

I started using Myth with Knoppmyth R4V5 and Myth 0.16 and the main system is 
still based on that (though I've dragged it up to a 2.6 kernel and updated 
almost everything else at some point).  Development boxes and the new laptop 
are based on Debian proper.

Main driver for Debian?  Paradise maintain a debian mirror 
(debian.paradise.net.nz) and traffic to/from paradise servers on their cable 
modem service is free.  So I can grab packages and updates for free.  Yay.

Have successfully set up LIRC for sending and receiving, including building an 
IR blaster with DSE bits and heatshrink tubing.

I'm not a linux expert by any means, but have been using it and myth long 
enough that I might be able to help people if they're having problems.  
Hopefully someone else will help me with stuff too!
