[mythtvnz] Prime TV
Tue, 27 Dec 2005 11:41:22 +1300 (NZDT)
>>for some reason every other channel is exactly one less than where
>>it should be... I have tuned channels on broadcast 2, 5, and 8 rather
>>than 3, 6 and 10.
>>I suspect my aerial isn't good enough.
> That's a PVR150 card right? I'd take it back and get a replacement
> if you can. It's what I did with my first one.
Yes, it is a PVR150. However everything else works fine. I was assuming
it was a numbers-start-from-zero issue, rather than a fault.
Maybe I should try loading another firmware in the ivtv modules...
> My first card did exactly the same thing once I realised that's what
> it was doing. It took many hours to figure that out, I just thought
> I had some sort of software issues, since everything (linux/mythtv)
> was new to me, and I couldn't get any signals when I tuned the card
> to what it should be.
> In the end I took the card back and got a replacement since it was
> going to cause too many issues. If you add another card to the box
> which works as it should, you'll have to define a whole new source
> with different channels since they will both have different frequency
> IDs for the same channel. Easier to get a card that works as it
> should.