[chbot] Power for 12v / 5v solutions.

Daniel Powell danielvieway at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 22 04:34:28 BST 2021

I've been playing with a remote battery powered dash for my race car based on a Mazda RX8 dash and ESPNow.  

I've successfully prototyped the unit using a couple of M5stack Atom's and external CAN Bus transceivers. 

The Atom is powered via USB and the dash (12v) via an external 240v power adaptor. 

I'm not looking to produce my own board (I'm not quite of that skill set yet) however want to integrate the unit into something somewhat more portable using a single Ryobi 18v battery as a power source. I was thinking two buck converters, one for 12v for the dash (thinking 18v might be a little much for the dash) and a second for the 5v logic. 

Would appreciate advice from those who are considerably more knowledgeable and exposed to modular power supplies than I am and could possibly point me in the direction of a more suitable or tidier solution. 


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