[chbot] Meeting reminder, 6:30pm, Monday 18th July 2016

Mark Atherton markaren1 at xtra.co.nz
Sat Jul 16 03:14:28 BST 2016

Hello all,

Please join us Monday evening at our usual venue for our regular get 

Bring along any projects you have been working on, puzzles that have 
kept you puzzled, and anything else that is relevant.

The club room has an ever expanding pile-of-goodies, including some ali 
(which may be available at scrap prices)

If you have anything you wish to drop off which is looking for a new 
home, please do so. !! If it is large, please lets talk before dragging 
it in !!



PS Please, no more drop off of printers or photocopies for the moment

PPS map - http://www.idesignz.org/robotics/chch_robotics_br05.pdf

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