[chbot] LiPo batteries

Volker Kuhlmann list0570 at paradise.net.nz
Fri May 17 05:13:25 BST 2013

On Fri 17 May 2013 13:24:41 NZST +1200, Hadley Rich wrote:

Seeedstudio Stalker (v2.x): CN3063 LiIon/LiPo

Lipo rider: CN3083, AIC1896 DC/DC
Must get the CN3083 datasheet from seeed as the manufacturer didn't
bother to put it up.
NO DATASHEET for its AIC1896

Lipo rider pro: CN3065, Intersil ISL97516 DC/DC

I wouldn't touch anything without datasheets, and I've gone off seeed a
bit because their schematics are pretty unusable and their designs not
always so good.

Given the functionality in a LiPo charge IC it would be bad ecnomics
(time + money) to attempt to re-create that with a microcontroller and
associated analog lafaffel. They don't have discharge protection though,
which looks to me like a pretty significant oversight.

> They also have a pretty well priced 3000mAh single cell (actually a
> matched set).

And 6Ah too...

An intersting rundown of batteries and chargers is
and the rest of the site is an interesting read.

Does anyone have a confirmed source of non-cr*ppy 18650?


Volker Kuhlmann
http://volker.dnsalias.net/	Please do not CC list postings to me.

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