[chbot] Next Meeting Wednesday 15th October 6.30pm

Richard Jones rjtp at ihug.co.nz
Thu Oct 9 07:54:35 BST 2008

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Our next meeting is next Wednesday 15th October and promises to be a

Start time will be 6.30pm, 6.15 setup to allow those who need to get away
the opportunity to come and go. Remember the gold coin donation. See
http://kiwibots.org for directions.

We have three topics for this meeting:

Robocup challenge - I've made some 15mm tracks for rescue practice.

Tabletop challenge - Demonstrate a robot that can navigate a science alive
table without falling off.

Lejos - http://lejos.sourceforge.net/ Java Language for Lego Mindstorms.

If you want to know just how much Charles was involved with this and how it
can turn Mindstorms into a seriously programmable platform come along and
find out.

Who knows what else we'll see. Bring along your line followers, Robocup
robots, and anything else that you are working on.

Suggested timetable:

6.15 Doors open for setup.

6.30-7.15 Early Presentations & Robocup and Tabletop challenge.

7.30-8.00 Show and Tell

8.00-9.00 Lejos presentation by Charles

9.00-9.30 Questions, Free Stuff table, General chat.

9.30 Doors locked before alarm goes off

I have zipped up some micromouse simulations:


DOS works under XP(well done Microsoft). (1996 vintage)

wxPython works on Windows, OSX and Linux (probably Solaris too but have not
tried it) (Last year)

Linux Latest reduced complexity solver for ATMega8. (recent, tested on
current Ubuntu)


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